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"There Will Come Another Season..." October 14, 2021

Writer's picture: Brenda L. MooreBrenda L. Moore

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

Seasons are four parts that come consistently in the same order from year to year. Spring, Summer. Fall, (Autumn), and Winter. Seasons come and go-each marks its beauty, patterns, temperature, and weather pattern. Possibly it could be our imagination, especially if it's a preferred season, however, each season's time changes from one year to another, seemingly to last longer or to be a little bit shorter. As the seasons come and go, it is no coincidence. It is a divine purpose!

Spring is the time when we see the beauty of death and life right before our eyes. Nature wilted and died; and once again blossoms. We observed the beauty of budding trees right before the leaves arrive. Flowers bud and reopen their delightful petals. The grass, the colors of brown/beige, becomes a flourishing green. The temperature is warm, breezy, and has a soft texture to the skin.

Summer comes suddenly! Stepping outside, a heatwave rushes over your face. Everything in nature is now in full bloom. Trees stand erect, while their branches sway. Each tree is tall and sashays before the world. Neighborhoods are flooded with flower beds as far as the eyes can see. The corner markets, filled with gorgeous, assorted bloomed flower arrangements, shouting summer has arrived! For some, summers heat means swimming, riding bikes, picnicking, visiting amusement parks. For others, the heat waves are like a pesty fly, waiting to be rid of.

Just as the heat blazes down like the Sun's rays beam rapidly on our backs, here comes autumn, falling right into place. The temperature is sporadic, warm, and then cool; rainy and some moments of cloudiness. The leaves prioritize their time as they slowly fall from their clinging branches. Illuminating the world with beauty as the leaves so gallantly change from green to red-orange, yellow, and brown. Exhilarating are the hillsides as trees are randomly lined; arrayed in a picture of beauty. No value or price can be attached. Although autumn's temperature fluctuates, the weather always seems just right!

While in awe of fall, its well-known "old man winter" is hanging around the corner, eagerly awaiting to shock nature with its brutal cold. A cold that causes water to freeze and leave a glazed covering over the sidewalks, and the formation of icicles hanging from trees and house gutters.. Quickly! Winter calls nature once again to a temporary death. Despite winter's bitter cold, the twinkling snowflakes' soon become a blanket of whiteness overshadowing the grounds, the rooftops, the hills, and mountain tops, winter's aura of stunningness, as far as the eyes can see. Like spring, summer, and fall, winter in its extreme bitter cold has the prerogative to gloat and glow!

Life can be like the four seasons. As long as there is life, people will come and go. Like the seasons' people come into your life. They make impressions upon you. What they do/don't do, how they act/react, what they say/don't say, leaves a mark, good or bad. These individuals can be family, children, co-workers, colleagues, known and unknown, favorable and unfavorable. Like the seasons, people habitually change their perspectives, their outlook. More than not, their decision to embrace you can be longevity or for a short span depends on the season of their mind.

Symbolic of the seasons, problems, and trouble enter our lives; some of which we cause, and many are not. James calls them various trials. ["Consider it all joy... whenever you face trials of many kinds because the testing of your faith produces perseverance, let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."] James 1:1-4 (New International Version). Problems spring up with and reinforce issues current and past, and will stay for the entire season of your life if you allow them.

As humans, we accept and adapt to the four seasons. Our aim should be to exercise the same control when people come into our midst and like a vapor, go. Learning to accept the seasons of life teaches us to adjust to life's changes and helps us to embrace and let people be who they are. Gleam the lesson to be learned, and move on.

Don't waste energy trying to hold on to people/memories. Don't effortlessly, exert unnecessary energy which will eventually lead to physical/mental exhaustion and will be of no profit. After much prayer, meditation and self-examination, make a decision to allow a certain amount of energy to spend on people who are not in favor of your success, etc. Like the seasons, there will be others who will come and fill the void.

I have seen the grace of God move this way in my life for so many years. God doesn't want us to lack anything that will fulfill a need in our lives and will further guide us into our destiny and purpose. It's evitable, each season is destined to show up. There are too many vast needs in this world to allow our focus to become complacent, and fixated on the wrong thing, persons and time, past events, and circumstances. We enjoy the times, and beauty of natural seasons. God help us to enjoy the seasons of our life. ISBN 978-1955063135

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